Once again, Grupo Stra was highlighted in one of the largest business portals in the country, the company that has already been gaining national recognition for being a reference in the import of medical, hospital and laboratory products, has once again conquered its space in one of the largest platforms that bring together information about business, economics, management, leadership and lifestyle.
The article highlights the speech of the CEO of Grupo Stra Leonardo Straliotto, who detected a growth of more than 30% in the demand for products for the treatment of respiratory diseases and a fourfold increase in the number of searches for the term “covid tests” in the Google Trend tool, highlighting the importance of expanding the product portfolio and bringing more rapid Covid-19 tests to Brazil.
In addition to importing hospital medical products and 400,000 rapid tests into the country, Grupo Stra announces another great novelty, which will be launched soon, are professional tests that combine detection for Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2 ) with Influenza A and B. With a focus on keeping the line of medical products in Brazil up to date, Grupo Stra is always attentive to global innovations, with the main mission of always seeking excellence with the best and most technological solutions for health. Click here to learn more about the SARS-Cov-2 Antigen Rapid Test Kit.